Kim Michelle Toft
Silk Artist | Author | Illustrator
Author Visits l Silk Art Workshops
Speaker Presentations and School Visits

Option One
Demonstration and Book ActivitiesPresentations run for an hour and include…
- Demonstration of silk painting, the school has the option to buy this original
- Various short activities exploring Kim’s books and CDs using drama, music, dance and lots of Q&A. There is Ollie the Octopus, the puppet and Marburg the baby croc ,a real crocodile from a taxidermist and lots of other physical props
- A wide range of environmental issues discussed
- I do a maximum of 3 x 1 hour presentations / day
- I require an hour set up time before hand and an hour for book signing and pack up at the end
- Groups of up to 100
- Audio required for a short video and playing a music track
- Free bookmarks and colouring in templates given to each student
- School has first option of buying the original silk I will be demonstrating on throughout the presentation/s
COST $660 plus $120 travel costs may apply
Option 2
Silk Painting Workshops at Schools – Hands On
- Groups of 12 students each paint their own silk painting approximately 30 cm x 30 cm.
- Suitable for Grades 5 -12
- All materials supplied – Stencils , silk, stretching frames ,gutta, dyes and brushes
- Wildlife is the theme for the painting and I supply stencils for the students to trace their designs onto the silk
- Silk is steamed after the workshop and I return the steamed silks back to the school within the week
- Each session is 2 hours
- In one day I can do 2 x 2 hour sessions only or you can have a combination of Option 1 and 2. One x 1 hour session from Option 1 and one x 2 hour session from Option 2
COST $660 for tuition and $12/head for materials , $120 travel costs may apply
Contact details or 04314 29092

Professional Development Day
Silk painting workshops for up to 10 staff members
- Excellent team building activity
- New art and textile skill
- Environmental education support
- Author /Illustrator activity
- Hours can be logged as Professional Development hours
- Workshops can be run on pupil-free days or as an after-school activity
Workshop Outline
- Staff members create their own silk painting 30 x 40 cm, which they or the school gets to keep
- 3 – 4 hour workshop, timetable confirmed with enquiry
- All designs are traced on, no artistic ability required
- All materials supplied including, stencils, frame, silk, gold gutta and applicator bottles, silk dyes and brushes
- Cost $110/staff member
All enquiries:
Contact Kim Michelle Toft
04314 29092

Silk Painting Workshops @ Sea Silks Gallery
Silk Painting Workshops @ Sea Silks Gallery
Time : 11am – 3pm
Where : Sea Silks Gallery (at the Ramada)
Shop 6/2 Martin Street, Ballina NSW
When : Selected Saturdays
Size of Class : Maximum 4 people
Cost : $130 all materials provided
Outline :
- During the 4 hour workshop you create your own hand painted silk (30 x 40 cm)
- No drawing ability required, the design is traced on, stencils of wildlife supplied
- The gold gutta outline is drawn over the traced pencil lines
- There is a 20 minute break to allow the gutta to set
- The silk dyes are painted and blended on to the silk, between the gold gutta outlines
- The BG is painted last and the silk is completed in the 4 hour session
- The silk can be stretched or framed afterwards
To enquire or make a booking
Contact Kim Michelle Toft
04314 29092